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The brainchild of Erik Gudiel, Icarus is a Visual and Vocal Arts brand that encompasses the three sides of the baritone: teacher, photographer, and performer. We started this project from the beginning, designing the branding, website, and initial photography scheme of Erik's business. Based on the mythological legend, Icarus's brand focuses on simplicity and high contrast between dark and light.

Erik Website Mockup.png
Sticker 1 Mockup Icarus.png

One of the most important features of this project was to differentiate Icarus from Erik while still unifying them under the same brand. The idea of dark and light came to play here. By inverting the color scheme, Erik's personal side of the website is somber, predominantly covered in dark brown and teal, representing the calm before the storm. Icarus's side of the website takes on more yellows, oranges, and dark maroon, representing the sun. The fonts and animations within the website remain the same on both sides to further induce the idea of cohesiveness.

Laptop ipad iphone mockup Erik Icarus Website.png

The Logo

Erik wanted the image of Icarus to be in the logo, so we created a distinctive image of Icarus falling that would also translate as a silhouette. From there, we accompanied the imagery with bold typography.

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Icarus Sweatshirt Logo Mockup
Canvas Mockup Icarus
Icarus T Shirt Mockup
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