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City of Walker Parks & Recreation

Ian spearheaded the design and photography when the City of Walker wanted a rebranding of their Parks & Recreation sector. They wanted to focus on the community-friendly aspect of the park rather than just sports. While sports are an important aspect of their parks system, they were ready to start hosting more events for the city and investing heavily into community-geared park features.


After several meetings with Walker, Ian settled upon a few ideas, one of them being a "four pillars" branding that centered the color palette and logo around the four main aspects of the parks & recreation system that City of Walker wanted to highlight: walking trails, baseball, basketball, and their abundance of nature and fishing spots.

City of Walker Sports Tshirt.png
City of Walker Wall Mockup.pmg.png

The Logo

Continuing with the four pillars idea, Ian created a nature-inspired color palette to accentuate the calm community aspect of the parks rather than the sports. The typography is intense enough to convey the competitiveness of the athletic teams. The contrast balances to blend into the cohesive logo.

Walker Logo Stretched_1.png

The Photography

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